
Archive | Interviews

What to Expect When Interviewing

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Maybe you get a “normal” interview, full of questions like “What are your strengths?” or “How do you like to unwind?” Maybe you have to come up with a solution to a hypothetical or real problem. But a standard interview isn’t a given anymore. With so many applicants and with money and time on the […]

Lay of the Land – Hiring Insights


I’m seeing some interesting trends through my clients’ experiences, and after being interviewed for a trade magazine article about the current hiring landscape, I’m curious to see if these insights resonate with you. (Note to self: Get better about posting links to my interviews) The candidate with the most experience doesn’t always get the job. […]

The Best Job Interview Answer for “Why This Job?”

Job Interview Question - Why This Job

“Why THIS job?” This will be one of the most important questions you’ll be asked during a job interview. That’s right. One of the most important. Why? Because your answer gives the employer a lot of information: How well you’ve researched their needs, how much you know about their organization and how they work, if […]