Blog Name Contest

As I announced in my last newsletter Inside Edge, I’m having a contest to name my blog. My last name seems to be inspiring many of the suggestions: Changing Lanes, The Lane Change, Stacey’s Lane, etc.

Oh… and I guess you want to know what you’re going to win, right? That’s a great question! So, after much consternation (I love that word!) the prize is… drum roll please… a personal branding package with moi. This is a way cool prize worth $299. It involves a comprehensive brand assessment, a full analysis and report of your results (and I’ll review your resume as part of this too), a one-on-one coaching session with me, and a personalized action plan. You can use it yourself, or give it to someone as a gift. I guarantee you’ll get some incredible insight to help you both personally and professionally.

So, what’s the perfect blog name???